Classic foods
served extra special
Serving all the pub classics with passion
We aim to deliver a great experience through service and using the best quality ingredients, fresh produce and local suppliers.
Weddings, Parties and Corporate Events, Indoor & Outdoor Parties, Buffets, Hog Roast
As a Head Chef and Pastry Chef we have taken a lot of care and attention in all of the dishes. We recognise the importance of fresh, quality and where possible, local produce.
We have personally met with all of our suppliers to ensure that they are providing quality produce. We also look at the sustainability of our produce and use free range chicken, eggs & Marine Stewardship Council certified seafood. We also avoid GM produce.
About us
Located on the edge of Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire 3 miles from junction 27 of the M1.
Westwood was originally a very tiny farming hamlet with only one or two local farms and some stockinger’s cottages at the ‘Bents’ dating back to the 1700’s and perhaps before. In the mid 1800’s ‘ Westwoodville ’ was developed, long rows of terraced cottages at Palmerston Street (Old Westwood) and also at New Westwood for coal miner’s and iron worker’s families. Over the passing decades, Westwood has also re invented itself, still home to a small infant’s school, threatened with closure on one or two rare occasions but re invigorated by local support that affirms the need for its existence, green and rolling landscapes and a return to being the more traditionally rural part of our community.
The Royal Oak is that last standing village pub in Westwood out of the three it originally had. With traditional features in one side and a modern stylish in the other. With stunning country views on the rear of the building its
perfect for any event
As of August 2022 the Royal Oak managed to acquire 1 acre of land at the rear of the venue, this 1 acre of green space is perfect for those summer festivals, corporate events, weddings, family fun days and more. We are looking into expanding our carpark in 2023 but this is al dependant on our local council and highways. We will also be investing into a new play area for the children to further enhance our family friendly atmosphere we thrive to deliver.
Opening Hours
Mon - Closed
Tuesday - Sunday 12:00 - 23:00
Food served until 8pm except for Sunday which is 5pm
Please ensure you make your server aware if you suffer from any allergies or dietary requirements, whilst we endeavour to ensure your food is safe from contamination it is made in a kitchen that contains the 14 listed allergens and all care is taken when handling your order
All prices are in £ sterling GBP
(V)=Vegetarian (NGC)=Non-Gluten Containing (VE)=Vegan